Advance/Nilfisk #Convertamatic 28LX, 32LX, 38LX, 285LX, 325LX, 385LX, Hydro Retriever 3800, Trac 280, 320BHD vacuum motor, 36 volt.
Lamb Ametek 119792-07 2-stage 7.2" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Ametek Windjammer PRO Brushless Blower 5.7" High Flow 120-240VAC, #WP057BH2-0N18A-0001
Lamb Ametek 117489-00 1-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt
Lamb Ametek 122236-18 2-stage 6.6" vacuum motor, 230 volt
Lamb Ametek 119514-00 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 119347-07 1-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt
DrainVac 1465C, 2564 vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Ametek Windjammer PRO Brushless Blower 5.7" Ultra High Flow 240VAC, #WP057BU1-2N21A-0004
Lamb Ametek 119678-11 2-stage 5.7" Vacuum Motor, 240 volt
ProTeam ProCare 15 and 15XP, ProForce, ProLux, Cascade, ProTeam upright vacuum Replacement Filter Bags #103483, 120 case
Lamb Ametek 115460 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 24 volt.
Kent / Euroclean #KA-266EB, KA-326EB vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Holt #HV 100 vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 116353-00 and 116353-13 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 240 volt
Lamb Ametek 119433-29 3-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 24 volt.
CycloVac Outer DL Series OEM Anticlogging Filter, 2 Pack #TDFICY11
Lamb Ametek 119656-13 2-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 240 volt
Lamb Ametek 116309-00 1-stage 5.7" vacuum motor, 120 volt.
Lamb Ametek 116255-00 2-stage 5.7" Vacuum Motor, 240 volt
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